Song ‘Light your soul up’
Original Song by Felicia may2021.
All the way down that road I’ve been following
keep on going down that road
don’t get me down or I’ll try to run
so come on and take a stand
once and for all
I’ve gotta say what I mean
I gotta be who I am
I gotta speak my mind
‘cause that’s the only way to go right now
Come on baby tell me,
why don’t you keep following, or why Do you, it’s all the same
We all have our roads to take
our lessons to learn
some have it more difficult, but you can’t compare
So come on take my hand
don’t judge anything you see
‘cause everything will be fine if you just hold on tight
Hold on to your dreams
hold on to your heart
hold on to your higher Self, they will guide you out
So come on don’t be discouraged
if you get some backlash or being cancelled
don’t you ever let them pull you down
don’t you try to understand what other people are all about
unless they ask you
just let them do their own thing
Come into your heart now
there’s only the Now now
no past , no future at all
so don’t you worry about them
so take your hand
and put them together
before your heart
that’s where it’s at
and it ain’t praying to a higher power
it’s praying to the One you already are
it’s just following your heart and no judgment anymore
so keep on flowing
keep growing
you’ll be fine
if you stay there
look at others like looking in the mirror
you will find yourself
all the parts you can’t accept yet
try to embrace them in yourself
‘cause that’s the work we gotta do if we evolve
that’s the way we gotta do, yeah
and it ain’t that hard
if you just start doing it a step at a time everyday, so light it up
light your heart up
light your soul up and just move it, mm, yeah
come on light your soul up, get in your heart and just go now!